Wednesday, September 8, 2021


The ACLU as we knew it is gone.  

Glenn Greenwald pounced on their latest take on pandemic mandates.  Guess what?  Your body is not your own.  You don't have bodily autonomy.  If things are serious enough, then your body belongs to someone else.  Remember, BUG19 is a thing.  Stay safe.  Double mask.  2 weeks to flattenthecurve....

I wonder if they feel the same way about abortion?  After all, your decision could 'harm someone else', as they point out in their awful and Orwellian statements.

That last quote is amazing, and it belongs on the tombstone of a once proud organization:

"In fact, far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civl liberties...."

Only a midwit partisan hack, addled with TDS could type that sentence.  Simply awful.

My comment was this:

"The ACLU I grew up with (my mother got their newsletter and donated regularly) is gone. One's opinion on vaccines is irrelevant here. Their statement reads like an organization that has been corrupted, as well as afraid to go against the pro vaccine faction of Progressive Liberals - a group that is just as doctrinaire as the people who are anti vaccine for all vaccines. That an adult would write the things in that op-ed, without seeing the double standard and hypocrisy brings truth to the statement that "man is not a rational animal, but it is a rationalizing animal."

Interestingly and somewhat ironically, the consistent and honorable Left has never lost its trip wire sensitivity to organized power and wealth. An Italian marxist put together an incredible timeline and paper as to how the pandemic was used to stop the economy in order to shore up the GloboCap financial banks. I found it and his premise compelling. Since when have the Power Elite been concerned with ... our health? He states that we have it all backwards, and it deals with money and consolidation of power.

The ACLU seems to be simply taking sides. As Trump Derangement Syndrome infected the minds of the (supposedly) liberal left, it seems that the ACLU can't seem to avoid taking a stand and pissing off its base. That they would write, vet, and approve statements like

"[Many claim that] vaccines are a justifiable intrusion on autonomy and bodily integrity. That may sound ominous, because we all have the fundamental right to bodily integrity and to make our own health care decisions. But these rights are not absolute. They do not include the right to inflict harm on others..." is incredible.

It means that the ACLU as we knew it is gone. It has become simply part of the Corporate Media Gov't partisan hackery that passes for political opinion today.

The New Civil Liberties Alliance is what the ACLU used to be. My time, effort, and money go there now."
Note the difference in the ACLU's position, as opposed to the home page of the NCLA:


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