Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Snake Pliskin (or Eric Adams) We NEED YOU

NYC is in shambles.  Maybe the gun carrying next Mayor will fix it.

While I never seek the "salvation through legislation" answer to any problem, it looks like former NYC cop Eric Adams will be the next mayor, and this is good:

Adams caught my attention with this.  It's impeccably handled by Tucker Carlson, who was all over it:

Here is the juicy part that sent your fashion challenged, Prius owning, Starbucks sipping, clueless NYC liberal off the edge:

This is similar to the one time H. Clinton brought up gun control during the 2016 debates.  Trunq simply said, after she mentioned the 'gun violence' and 'gun control' talking points, "then disarm your security detail". 

The issue was never brought up again.

Maybe Adams either failed "NYC Cliche's 101", or he is just telling the truth.  Either way, he got my vote, and my attention with that.  It can only be a plus as the current mayor is the worst NYC mayor of all time.  

Warren Wilhelm (DiBlasio) was unwilling to police rioters and looters, and smiled while the city burned.  But now he wants to police 8 million people by not allowing them to eat out:

DiBlasio is despised by everyone I know, even the hard core NYC liberals.  This next guy can only be better, there is no way around it.  Even the Manhattan Contrarian is optimistic, which is saying a lot as he's the gold standard for NYC conservative curmudgeonry:

Maybe there's some political hope.  If not, then we really will need Snake Pliskin to come save the day.


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