Thursday, August 5, 2021

Bribery, Brobeating, Shame, and FORCE for BUG JUICE

Matt Taibbi's latest article is behind a firewall.  I support his channel and pay for his content.  He nails the current idiotic DNC / Corporate Media attitude about the mRNA Gene Therapy:

The comments on this one are very good, because it isn't released to the public rabble.  Those articles have comments sections that are reminiscent of my years on Facebook.  In other words, they're a waste of time.

Because this is behind the $$, there were many smart people making solid commentary.  Here is one of the best ones, by James:

"Pro-vaccine propaganda is predominately either browbeating or bribery. You're not going to convince people to do something by calling them stupid or threatening them with mandates, nor get them to disregard their valid health concerns for free beer or donuts. Meanwhile, reasoned arguments and true stories of the potential dangers of the vaccines are relentlessly censored. I've seen it happen in real time, as posts about real-life complications from the vaccine mysteriously vanish from social media. None of this promotes a sense of trust, to put it mildly.

In 2020, Democrats relentlessly politicized the virus and the messaging around it, not wanting to let the greatest crisis of at least the past two decades go to waste, just to get Trump. Consider media coverage of right-wing rallies as "super-spreader events", but the BLM rallies were not only just fine, but actually *reduced* the spread of COVID (to this day I can't believe they actually said that). That doesn't promote a sense of trust, either.

The top-down "by any means necessary" effort to get Trump out of office has shown our system to be contaminated by politics at every level. As a result, I don't really trust anything coming out of the media or the government. Matt brings up the fact that the vaccines lack FDA approval. I've heard that they're working towards approval of at least some of the vaccines in the near future. At this point, I would assume political motives behind such approval, and disregard it as more propaganda. They threw away their credibility to achieve their political goal; this is the result.

That political "leaders" -- mainly Democrats -- continue to hypocritically ignore their own mandates deepens the sense of distrust. If they really thought the virus was a serious problem and the measures they mandate actually helped, they would follow them themselves, for their own health. Instead it's "rules for thee but not for me" -- they clearly *don't* take the virus seriously, they're just using it as a cudgel to increase their own power.

We've been told since the early days of the vaccines that they do not prevent you from getting the virus, they just decrease or eliminate the symptoms. Recent apparent gaffes (i.e. the truth accidentally coming out) such as the CDC report about the gatherings in MA being super-spreader events among the vaccinated seem to bear this out. This makes the vaccine more a matter of personal choice whether you're willing to risk the symptoms than a public health issue of spreading immunity. If you've already had the virus and were unaffected, or it wasn't that bad, then why should you be *required* to get vaccinated? And if you *are* vaccinated, you're safe, right? Why do you give a fuck whether someone else is vaccinated or not?

I feel like I could go on, and on, and on. The bottom line is media and government have spent the last year and a half (actually more than that, but turned up to 11 with the pandemic) exposing themselves as purely political entities. As a result, a significant portion of the population no longer believes anything they say, and in fact are likely to assume they are lying and believe the opposite.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants being released into the country through our now wide-open border. They only care about the virus to the extent that it advances their political agenda."

There are many comments like this, in this vein.  Here was mine:

"The shaming and insulting days are over. Now it's FORCE. NY and NYC are putting in such unamerican mandates for businesses that it makes you wonder what the hell is going on. No children are dying of this thing (358 in the USA with CV on the cert for those who sperg). Yet we hear howling about schools. They're now going to mandate the military, even though those 4 British Airways pilots died - immediately it wasn't because of the vax ... when a C-130 goes down what will the answer be? probably blaming Trump will work.

That Cuomo and Diblah, as well as FedGov are forcing people and wiling to openly discriminate against the "unvaccinated" is accellerationism on steroids. Something is up.

What I'm waiting for here in NYC is when Shanisha isn't allowed to go into a restaurant because she doesn't have her vax paperwork. Then we will all watch an episode of "When Narratives Collide!!"

Part of the Promethean Progressive recipe is to instill despair and fear among the thinking people.  We are not alone, and the comments on Taibbi's article prove that there are many people out there like us.  Don't despair.


Here's how you can help me make money during The Collapse:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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