Saturday, July 31, 2021

Why Don't The Rabble TRUST Us?

In the words of Kurt Schlichter, we have the worst ruling class in the history of the human race.  I think he's right.  The Corporate Press does the bidding of the Ruling Corporate / Gov't class, and sometimes they seem a bit confused as to why the Rabble don't trust them.

Schlichter explains it well here:

I read Schlichter's column because he understands that this has nothing to do with health.  Our Overlords don't care about our health, any more than they care about our financial well-being.  Schlichter understands that it's about power, and simply not allowing people to live, learn or think for themselves.

There are some people in the mainstream who get it.  You'd think someone like Kristi Noem would be celebrated by the media.  You have a woman who has dealt with personal tragedy.  She figured out how to run her father's business, go to college, have a family, and she's now governor of South Dakota.  And she's a woman!!!  Go Girl!!

But no.  Here's why.

Mrs. Noem opened up FreedomFest 2021 by welcoming people to S. Dakota.  She mentioned that they never:
  • Instituted a lockdown.
  • Instituted a mask mandate.
  • Determined who was or wasn't 'essential'.
  • Put in a shelter in place order.
  • Defined what social distancing meant.
  • Ordered businesses to close.
She stated, correctly, that even she, as governor, didn't have the right to do that.  So she didn't.

It's easy for her to be ignored by the Corporate Press, because she's from a small state and she's a Republican. They trashed her in the mainstream press for a while, but eventually stopped.  They had to.  Look at the list above. With those rules, you'd think that S. Dakota was a bodybag filled hellhole of death by Bug 19.  The fact that it isn't doesn't fit the "Narrative", so Noem and her situation will be ignored.  None of the Stupid 19 numbers coming out of S. Dakota are extreme, or noteworthy.

Here is our Ruling class now, putting out feelers and making sure that the next Casedemic Part 2 gets all the usual suspects behind it.  

This is the grab for power.  They want to see how far it will go.  This is going to be interesting.  Will the prog liberal useful idiot mask wearing followers go for it all a second time?  Maybe.  Look at the imperceptible blip at the end of the deaths line on the chart.  This is why they will destroy more lives and rabidly grab power.  
These are disgusting people, and Schlichter is too kind in his assessment of them.


Here's how you can help me make money during The Collapse:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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