Friday, July 30, 2021

Delano Squires RUINS Ibram X. Kendi

For a warm up, let's look at who did it first, and possibly best, Thaddeus Russell:

Thaddeus Russell, Curtis Scoon, Jason Whitlock, and Kwame Brown are all calling out these 'Agents of Chaos'.

Whitlock had Delano Squires on his show.  He proceeded, in a calm manner and tone that I could only hope to achieve, to tear apart the Supreme Grifter Ibram X. Kendi.  You can see it here:

Squires' article is here, the one he refers to in the video.  It is filled with gems like this, and I recommend the whole thing:

"Frederick Douglass was a man of a different time. He was a patriot who believed in America’s founding principles even though he was denied the rights and freedoms his country promised him. He never shied from criticizing the glaring hypocrisies of a nation rooted in the rhetoric of liberty that needed a civil war to end slavery. He was an antiracist in the most literal form of the word, but the rhetorical blade he wielded was meant to prune, not destroy. He was not interested in tearing down America or reimagining a country where the government grew bigger and more powerful while the individual grew smaller and more powerless. His words, echoing down through generations, present a clear contrast between his view of black agency and self-determination and those of today’s race commentariat."

The hustlers like Kendi are after the minds of young people here in the USA.  Don't let them poison your children's minds.  Delano Squires homeschools his children.  He sees what the Top of the Pyramid, the Woke Elite, want to do to young people's minds.  He's not letting them.


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My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

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