Sunday, August 15, 2021

Greenwald OBLITERATES the Washington Post

This is a good video for your regular friend who thinks that CNN, The Washington Post, MSNBC or The NY Times are somewhat biased and flawed media companies, yet think they generally try with honesty to produce wholesome and dispassionate news.

Screaming 'Operation Mockingbird!!' will have no effect.  It will simply alienate them further.

Glenn Greenwald knows that the corporate media is a wretched, corrupt, and censorious joke.  He's moving away from those outfits and creating his own niche.  He's using Subtack and Rumble.  He not only announced his move the other day, but he also used the Washington Post's coverage of the event to showcase how infantile and twisted they are.  He gives a case study on his move and the Post's article on it.

It is a great vehicle for you to explain to your friend what has happened to Corporate Media, as well as showing them the techniques they use. 

Disclaimer: Only use this with people you think are salvageable.  The Social Media addled Mass-Man and Mass-Woman are not able to be reached.  Forget them.  Write them off. 

I commented on Greenwald's Substack with this, emphasizing this point:

"Organized Globalist Power always uses the same terms to scare away the Normies. "Far Right", "Conspiracy Theorists", "Conservatives", "Extremists"... and they work. Moves like the one you're making will make a real difference. The Maddow watching True Believers will never see the light, they love their comfortable existence looking at shadows in Plato's cave, but many regular people will be shaken awake. Nice work GG."

Support journalists and platforms that not only make real attempts to be honest, reliable and consistent, but also don't hate you.  Remember, Greenwald went from Pulitzer Prize winning media darling to persona non-grata because he exposed the Trump / Russia HOAX.  He saw it for what it was and called it out.  This angered the Globalist Elite.

Watch Greenwald's announcement and takedown of the Washington Post here:


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