Saturday, August 14, 2021

TAIBBI: The Vanishing Legacy of Barack Obama

Matt Taibbi has written a case study of how someone gets taken in by the movement, then allows himself to admit he was wrong.  It's one of his best articles to date.  It is both admirable and rare that Taibbi would admit publicly that he was snookered.  Good for him:

I have never been unhappy that I subscribe to his substack page.

The article has the goods on the monstrosity that was the hypocritical and ultra sellout Obama era. It's the beginning about the birthday bash about which I commented:

"“Even Scaled Back,” wrote Vanity Fair, “Barack Obama’s Birthday Bash Is the Event of the Season.” Not even the famed glossy Bible of the unapologetic rich seemed sure of whether to write Obama’s Birthday bash straight or as an Onion headline: what did the “Event of the Season” mean during a pandemic?"

What pandemic? Not only are there no "pandemic" numbers for regular people, the people who rule over us are laughing at the proles and honest journalists who still insist on using the word "pandemic". In what "pandemic" would a party of hundreds (maskless!!) people be seen as acceptable? If there were any risk to life, wouldn't at least one or two people either politely bail from the event or wear a mask because SCIENCE!!? The top of the heap is not only giving you the finger, it's telling you to your FACE that there is no pandemic, and that 'cases!!' mean nothing. This should move the needle, right?

But no. The only masked people I saw at that event were the help, the servants. They have no clout, and have to hold on to that job. They'd better follow pandemic! protocol.

If it weren't already obvious that the Elite are laughing at you, this ultimate middle finger event should show you.

As I write this there is legislation creating a no fly list for the "unvaccinated". NYC, where I live, is planning on not allowing anyone "unvaccinated" from going out to dinner, or the movies, or to the gym, or any other pubic event. I wonder what happens when a young black couple is turned away from a club or restaurant. The people at the Obama Bash will never have to worry about these things. They do what they want. The mask wearing lemming Prog here in NYC will go fight to the death to defend these people on social media, because not Orange Man Bad. I mean, I know things are bad, but at least there aren't any more mean tweets! Right guys?

It's so disgusting and hypocritical it belies belief. It isn't going to end well. Ironically, Trump wasn't the problem. He was the dam holding the angry masses back.

Another irony is that gun owning, self sufficient nominally Christian America will survive the collapse. Many like me realized that the people the Corporate Press made fun of were people to emulate and pay attention to. The "preppers" and the "clingers" in places like Idaho, rural VA, West VA, and northern N. Hampshire will only know that the liberal cities are imploding and filled with feral gangs if they check the non-corporate news sites.

The over under year on the collapse is 2030. I now think it might be a few years sooner."

I hope I'm wrong, but I'm planning on being right.


Here's how you can help me make money during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!


  1. 📝 ESSAY: A Last Best Hope (The Obama Promise), essay by Greg Maybury | Jan 1, 2016 

    🎯 A Critical Examination of the Tenure and Legacy of the Great American Black n’ White Hope.🥊

    👉 ‘Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.’ 

    👉 ‘Guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now.’

    👉 ‘Washington is broken. My whole campaign has been premised from the start on the idea that we have to fundamentally change how Washington works.’

    👉 ‘I don’t oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.’

    — ☝️The Wit and Wisdom of Barack Obama

    Brief: After Barack Obama’s hope-fuelled triumph in 2008, it was clear millions of Americans were looking forward to moving in a wholly new direction. As we near the final year of his tenure, and with these expectations in mind, now is as good a time as any to look at some of the factors likely to shape his legacy. To this end, we scrutinise a presidency that promised so much to so many. And, well, you know the rest...

  2. That's a great site. I look forward to reading your latest article on Bug 19!
