Wednesday, August 18, 2021


There are many 'takes' on the Afghanistan 20 year war farce debacle.  The best one I've seen in print so far is Michael Tracey's:

It's a thorough examination of many factors of the decades long corrupt Neo-conservative empire building stupidity.  None of the people involved will pay in any way of course.  The implosion of the once proud These United States continues apace.  My comment on Tracey's site was this:

"The same group of incompetents are now turning inward, because the maneuvers outward, all over the world, are starting to crumble. We in the school business have a saying about incompetent administrators in the bad neighborhood school like the one in which I work: "If you can't control the students, control the teachers." This is what we're seeing now. As the American Empire implodes, we're getting 'vaccine passports', 'mask mandates', and other assorted control freak decisions for something that if you're under 65 you've a 99.9 percent chance of survival. It's all so tiresome and ridiculous. 

I wish I were one of the sophisticated people who can sit unmasked in a group of hundreds, and have a big birthday bash. But no. NYC is gearing up to ask me personal medical information that 18 months ago would have been unthinkable, and had the prog ACLU types screaming bloody murder. I think I picked the wrong 'unsophisticated' parents.

As Greenwald has noted, the eye of Sauron is turning inward, as they've lost control of the other spots. COVID!!! is the wedge, and the pattern of incompetence so ably spoken of here by MT is the playbook now.

Wear a mask, even if you're vaxxed. Covid is a thing. Stay safe."

The people who were cheering this unwindable war on, the wispy remnants of the Bush and Obama era neoconservatives are now lamenting the war's end.  It's funny how these people, like Jennifer Rubin and Max Boot, are always writing about continuing wars in the Middle East, or, things like this:

Strange how this woman is always ok with war in the Middle East, exceedingly happy that American troops are there to see to it that Israel is protected, while cheering on the 'fabulous news' that the USA is becoming more diverse.  How bizarre is that?  So odd that she'd never mention such a thing about her home country.  This turd is cut from the same cloth:

This is one of the patterns that I've told students to notice.  The Rubins and Boots of the world are always ready to send your family members to fight and die, particularly in the Middle East, for interests that are not yours.  They also cheer for open borders and 'diversity' for the USA, while applauding the border horror show and open air prisons in Palestine.  They are truly odious people and their opinions, especially about the end of the Afghanistan war, are forfeit.


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