Sunday, July 4, 2021

People are Waking UP to the BLM-STYLE GRIFT

The rumbling is getting louder.

The cloddish and stage managed 'protests' of 2020 seem to be far away in the rear view mirror.  The backlash against the people involved is late, but here nonetheless.

Mecca Fowler writes for Curtis Scoon's new media outlet, ScoonTV.  They aren't playing games over there, as you can see from this article.  It is one of many like it.

You could see the grift from a mile away, even back in the summer of 2020.  Remember everyone had to wear a mask and social distance because of COVID!?  Then, suddenly, they didn't as it was more important to 'fight racism' than CoronaChan.  That should have been the first dead giveaway, but the Masses are easy to manipulate, so it wasn't noticed.  The Top of the Pyramid Grift was too strong (level 10) for the obvious nature of it to break through to any Normies.

As I've asked before, since when are the people in Brussels so up in arms about police brutality in the US, let alone Minneapolis MN.?  

Then the money started flowing, and the Usual Suspects cashed in, and cashed in big.  However, they didn't share, and the people who were directly affected by the tragedies being used by the grifters began to wonder where the money went.

From the article:

"Parents of some of the victims of police violence also voiced criticism. Samaria Rice is one such voice. She’s the mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who police killed in 2014. In March, she called out Mallory and other high-profile social justice activists for exploiting her son’s death within the Black Lives Matter movement.

After that, everyone should’ve stopped and reflected on the trajectory of the movement. However, it seemed that people were more engulfed with playing politics than empathizing with Rice. Rice put out a statement along with others who felt the BLM movement used them. This was after they saw Mallory performing with rapper Lil Baby at the Grammys.

“We never hired them to be the representatives in the fight for justice for our dead loved ones murdered by police. These ‘activists’ have events in our cities and have not given us anything substantial for using our loved ones’ images and names on their flyers … We don’t want or need y’all parading in the streets accumulating donations, platforms, movie deals, etc., off the death of our loved ones, while the families and communities are left clueless and broken. Don’t say our loved ones’ names period!”

Samaria Rice pulled out the heavy artillery in going after Shaun King, the white grifter who has somehow parlayed his whiteness into grifting over the bodies of dead black men.  King, AKA Martin Luther Cream, Talcum X, Hueless P. Newton, Thurgood Partial, Blankston Hughes, Chalka Con, Tupac Sugar, is on the receiving end of Ms. Rice's most venomous criticism:

“Tamir’s human rights was violated, why would you ever make it about you?” she added. “You are a selfish self-centered person and God will deal with you White man.”

This sentiment is growing.  How the Corporate Media / Campus Industrial Class will deal with it remains to be seen.  Scoon, Whitlock, Judge Brown, Kwame Brown, the Hoteps ... soon the backlash against the sick Ruling Class who took a turn trying to destroy what's left of these dying United States will grow even larger.


Here's how you can help me grift (hey everyone else is doing it):

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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