Saturday, July 3, 2021

You Should Have LISTENED

I don't have too much sympathy, but it is an interesting phenomenon nonetheless:

In Matt Taibbi's latest article, he goes into great detail how dangerous and idiotic the latest round of censorship has become.  One of their own, Bret Weinstein, has been punched in the face by Google/Youtube:

"Between the two channels, they’ve been flagged 11 times in the last month or so. Specifically, YouTube has honed in on two areas of discussion it believes promote “medical misinformation.” The first is the potential efficacy of the repurposed drug ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment. The second is the third rail of third rails, i.e. the possible shortcomings of the mRNA vaccines produced by companies like Moderna and Pfizer.

Weinstein, who was also criticized for arguing the lab-leak theory before conventional wisdom shifted on that topic, says YouTube’s decision will result in the loss of “half” of his and Heying’s income. However, he says, YouTube told him he can reapply after a month."

Notice Taibbi recognizing the powder keg he just put on his own lap: "The second is the third rail of third rails, i.e. the possible shortcomings of the mRNA vaccines produced by companies like Moderna and Pfizer."

"Possible shortcomings".  There are already 4 pilot deaths in British Airways - the human heart being vulnerable to high altitude travel.  This is old news.  Go look at flight cancellations - the 'lack of staffing' is  the reason - waaayyy over normal.  Odd.

Naturally Snopes and Politifact have said that it's a "CONSPIRACY THEORY".  Two quick comments about Snopes and Politifact: 1) they are always wrong, all they do is support whatever the Narrative is, and, 2) the university professors use them as 'credible fact checkers'.  Re-read that last sentence, especially if you were wondering why your 19 year old is so emotional and stupid.

This brings me back to to the Taibbi article.  He points out that the Power Elite and their minions in Big Tech and the Corporate Media have been playing this game with Stupid 19.  

The reason why I began this post with not having too much sympathy is that the Weinsteins of the world and much of 'the left' figured that they were safe from The Beast, after all, weren't they all on the same side?  Where was the outcry when Alex Jones was booted off of everything on the same day?  And, they said it was 'uncoordinated'.  I was on NormieBook at the time.  Not only did the Weinsteins of the world not say boo, the Normies cheered.  Now the monster has come for them.  

You should have LISTENED.
  • Taibbi writes well about Regulatory Capture.  You should have listened to Ron Paul and the libertarians; they've been writing amazing things about this for, I'd say, the last 40 years.
  • Those silly evangelical christians in the 1980's were talking about the evils of government takeover and the negative effects of Big Brother.
  • Bill Cooper, Stan Monteith, John Taylor Gatto, Edwin Vieira Jr., Tragedy and Hope, Murray Rothbard ... and many other 'conspiracy theorists' have all been proven correct over time - especially Cooper. 
Now we see these things coming in the Main, and no one will be spared.  Not even if you've won a Nobel Prize:

Distance yourself from the Normies.  At this stage, if you've friends or colleagues who are wedded to the Medical Media / Social Media / Corporate Media Industrial Complex, you should avoid them whenever possible.  They're beyond help at this point.  They'll gladly ruin you for Virtue Signaling points.


Here's how you can help me grift:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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