Monday, July 5, 2021

The CURE is Worse Than the DISEASE

I wonder if the rabid SJW slobs in Big Tech will ban (again) the International Paper of Record, the NY Post, for this one:

From the article:
  • Jacob was healthy and had no underlying health conditions. 
  • On June 15, two nights after receiving the second dose, Jacob complained of a stomach ache before going to sleep and never woke up.
  • The investigation as to whether there is a correlation between his death and vaccination is now at the federal level with CDC.
This is a tragedy of the highest proportions.  Someone so young shouldn't go this early.

As stated on Vox's site: Cue the usual "it's extremely rare", "it's safe and effective", "there is no evidence", "correlation is not causation"

If we are to 'follow the SCIENCE', then shouldn't this be taken exceedingly seriously?  At least in this case the CDC is looking into it.  The dangerous Normies are the people to avoid.  They're the ones mindlessly repeating the slogans.
  • "But FDA approval is pending!"
  • "He didn't take the vaccine for himself but to help others!"
  • "Vax hesitancy is correlated with white supremacy!"
  • "Follow the SCIENCE!"
  • "It isn't about your health, it's about mine!"
  • "Are you some kind of science denier?!"
Do you see why I preach 'Normie Avoidance' at all times?  

Valis had a great comment: "When there was no vaccine, and all the lockdown lunatics were trying to explain away the fact that only a small number of old people were dying of covid, the reasoning was always something along the lines of "If we can save one life it's worth it" or "Not one life for the economy" or some other feelgood idiocy. Now that there's a "vaccine" and it primarily seems to kill younger people, suddenly the narrative is "a few deaths don't matter" and "we have to make sacrifices to get life back on track" and so on."

I've also noticed that suddenly, people are doing the math regarding the 'chances of a vax injury.  They wouldn't hear you when you told them you had a 99.99% chance of surviving Stupid 19, if you even got it.  Now it's time for stats and math and percentages with these people.  The Dangerous Stupid is real.

The NPC will gladly see you dead before they lose their ability to virtue signal, status jockey, or clout chase on social media.  The ease at which they'll explain away this young man's death should be a notice to you, loud and clear, that this isn't about any sort of science or data.  It's about their Religion of Feelz, and if you're the human sacrifice, so be it.

These are the same people who cheer when you are forbidden to play lawn darts, and scream "if it only saves one life!! when you're forbidden from enjoying a Kinder Egg.

As stated: "If a toy was this unsafe, it would be banned."  You can get the Fauci Juice, but you can't have THIS:


Here's how you can help me grift:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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