Friday, July 16, 2021

More Evidence of the Crackup

Matt Taibbi wrote a great piece a few days ago, and he followed it up with another one on the reaction.  Taibbi is smart, he knows that the reaction is the key to much of what goes on in the zeitgeist.  All current and former smart leftists know this.  It's why I've talked about it often.

His analysis is solid, especially when it comes to the tactics of the SJW / Woke / Online Progressive poaster.

However, he ends the article with what is a comically Boomer-esque take: 

"As any married person knows, there are certain words you never say in a fight, because you’ll still be living together when it’s over. Americans, like it or not, are married to one another. That’s not accommodationist talk, it’s just fact. The people we disagree with aren’t going anywhere, and it makes more sense to talk to them than not."

I think he's way off, and I commented with this:

"Americans, like it or not, are married to one another."

No, I don't think this is the correct conclusion.

The fracturing has already started. At some point, things like Missouri nullifying all of the Obama era gun laws, simply saying 'we're not going to enforce, or help you enforce your un-American 2A laws' will continue in many ways. Eastern Oregon is practically its own country. What happens when counties, or towns, nearly self sufficient, simply refuse to comply with the progressive (or conservative) overlords? What happens when a county in flyover USA, 98% white, does this? Calling them "RACIST!!" will have no effect. They already don't care, they're armed to the teeth, and that tactic has no purchase with them as of right now. They not only aren't going to start watching CNN if Tucker gets cancelled, they'll ignore all of the other SJW / WOKE / BLM urban stupidity.

This is why the "we are married and have to live together" theme is incorrect. To imagine that a gun owning, farm country, flag waving, Tucker watching community is going to listen to an AOC or a $144million Pelosi is supremely flawed. States like NH, ID, TX, FL and MO are already in motion. Hell, TELL, one of the best natgas companies, has a huge project going online in 2 years in Louisiana, while NY shut down its nuclear plant in Indian Point. This economic / energy decision-making is in the ether, and seems to be growing.

It won't just be "voting with your feet". It will be deeper than that.


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