Thursday, July 15, 2021

Distrust of (Social) (Corporate) MEDIA

There are many examples of what is going on in media.  They show that you don't need MK-ULTRA to control the human mind, you simply need a 'trusted' source.  People trust Twitter - they think that what they read on TWTR is written by a person, so you get things like this:

The Masters of the Universe, who took control of FedGov decades ago, want a class of serfs, thoughtless and powerless, and the CONrona era was the perfect opportunity.  Huge areas of the USA are not even paying attention to the Scamdemic signage or 'suggestions' for your viral health, so cloddish attempts to sway public opinion like this are necessary.

They do this because it works.  Hundreds of thousands of people read the above and see it as 'real'.  After all, it would have to be a conspiracy otherwise, right?  And we know that those things never happen.

Vox noticed this repetitive comment coming in on his site.  He moderates his comments section, so he shared one as it came in from the New World Order sock puppets:

Here's the other campaign.  They are pushing the experimental gene therapy Fauci juice so hard, it's downright strange:

This is how they do it.  They see to it that people who are independent feel isolated.  They want a herd of thoughtless, financially illiterate serfs, who they can track everywhere.  This is the methodology used on Social media, which, in many ways, is now simply a tool for the Power Elite to manage the cattle.

The absurd corporate media does the same thing, but they just got some huge pushback:

Tucker's clip is worth watching, as is Greenwald's write up of it here.  Having GG put it out there in front of his huge twitter and Substack following is amazing.

The examples above show how they are trying to control the flow of information like they did back in the pre internet days.  Just because it was easier then doesn't mean they will stop now.  We are watching them and their attempts to shape mass opinion in real time.


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