Wednesday, July 14, 2021

STUPID 19 Aftermath

I should probably put "Part I" after the title. 

Tom Woods, via Zuby, presented 20 things that the lockdowns proved.  It's a good list:

20 Things I've Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"

1. Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.

2. At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.

3. Fear of death is only rivaled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.

4. Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.

5. Anything and everything can and will be politicized by the media, government, and those who trust them.

6. Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.

7. Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.

8. Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.

9. Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors -- for better or worse.

10. When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.

11. People who are dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.

12. Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said "safety" is merely an illusion.

13. Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to "normal."

14. A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.

15. "The Science" has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.

16. Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.

17. Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.

18. If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.

19. Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.

20. It's easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.

I boil thing like this down the the fact that fear and the illusion of authority is usually enough to get people to do what you want.  H.L. Mencken noted 100 years ago that people are not only not that bright, but that they'd prefer safety over freedom.  

Freedom is scary, and dealing with failure is hard.  As crazy as it sounds, adults want to be part of the accepted group, free from fear, and taken care of.  It's why even I, at this late stage of my career, was surprised that there wasn't a revolt here in NYC when we were told we can't go out to dinner, church, or school.  

The vast majority here masked up (there are still "people" wearing masks alone in cars and outside), stayed home, did as they were told, and barked at people who didn't FOLLOW THE SCIENCE.

I learned a lot during these past 18 months.  I won't get caught by surprise again.


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My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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