Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Get Rid of the SMART Students

Wokeness in education is popular.  Gigantic school bureaucracies are embracing it, not so that students can be well balanced, smart children, but so that the educrats themselves feel good:

Listen to the edu-speak.  Let the jargon wash over you.  Feel it stifle anything good and worthy in your soul:

“We reject ideas of natural gifts and talents,” the proposal states, insisting “there is no cutoff determining when one child is ‘gifted’ and another is not.” The proposal also wants to “replace ideas of innate mathematics ‘talent’ and ‘giftedness’ with the recognition that every student is on a growth pathway.”

What that means is that the homeschool movement will continue to grow.  Unlike Germany, homeschooling in the US is legal.  Despite cloddish attempts to dissuade parents of all races and political affiliations to avoid homeschooling, families are flocking to the homeschool movement.  They can describe the homeschool legal defense fund as 'far right', as they do in the linked article, all they want.  However, what parent do you know who wants to hold back their intellectually curious or gifted student?  I work in one of the lowest performing districts, and every time we try something like this it gets blocked by angry moms.  

The woke stuff makes the educrats and the consultants feel good.  They virtue signal and status jockey in conferences and for the press.  The warm feelings of bonhomie get them and their fellow travelers hyped up about this educational and schooling poison.

One of the many divisions that's growing, and will manifest itself over the next decade is within the school business.  Parents who are too lazy or down with the Woke Curriculum (!) will be in one place, and concerned parents who want smart children will be in the other.

Avoid woke school, at all costs.  You are not alone.  The upper middle class and wealthy white liberal / progressives who tell you homeschooling is weird or unpopular are not only wrong, they are despair merchants who don't care for you at all.  They simply want you to think the way they do.  

Do what you have to do:

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