Sunday, May 2, 2021

Hashtag Believe All Women ... WAIT!

Way back in the Before Times, in October 2018, Scott Stringer was one of the "D" politicians who piled on Brett Kavanaugh during the SCOTUS confirmation proceedings.  Who cared that it took about 2 minutes of analysis to realize that the 'accusations' were preposterous and fact free.  Let's do a short review from memory of Ford's story:  The year?  Not sure.  Where was it?  How many doors?  Who was there?  The corroborators?  Turns out they were making it all up.  Did any of that matter to Scott Stringer, the now former NYC mayoral candidate?

Notice the key quote:

"The president cruelly ridiculed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, provoking laughter at her expense. Today’s vote to propel Judge Kavanaugh to our nation’s highest court – despite bipartisan concern about his judicial temperament and credibility – has been the final, searing insult.

“What must not get lost are the voices of the millions of people who spoke out in opposition, and we will not be silenced. We will only grow louder and stronger in our fight for equality, a woman’s right to choose, for families who come to this country for a better life, and for every person this administration tries to stifle. Our democracy depends on it.”

"Our democracy depends on it."  Yeah right.

Well, now the chickens have come home to roost.  Glenn Greenwald, who is on fire lately, correctly points out how totally out of control this brand of politics has become.  It's a great article.  I recommend it.  But the first thing I thought of was 'did Stringer ever speak out against fact free allegations based on principle'?  

Apparently, the answer is a resounding no.

Stringer has now had his promising mayoral campaign destroyed, over a laughably bad and fact free accusation.

I'm ashamed to admit that my reaction was ... "oh well'.  A NYC Dem lizard like Stringer wouldn't even think about speaking out against a 'republican'  or conservative getting his rights removed.  How much money would it take for Stringer to speak out against this travesty of justice - an American with no criminal record getting put on a no fly list and not allowed to travel by commercial jet?

There isn't enough money in the world for the Stringers of the world to say that there's anything wrong with the above.

So sue me.  I have no sympathy.  As These United States collapse into a Switzerland-esque division of cantons, I will (ashamedly) laugh at 'the left' as it devours itself.  Where was Stringer when Vox, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Nick Fuentes, Laura Loomer, Kavanaugh, and a host of others had their civil rights violated, and careers attacked?

He (and his ilk) was nowhere to be found.  And now they've come for him.  And there is no one left to speak up for him.  #believeallwomen?  OK, no problem.


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