Monday, May 3, 2021

Follow the Science... er ... MONEY

In early Fall 2020 there was the seminal article "The Students Left Behind by Remote Learning".  It shows, unequivocally, that not only should schools have never closed, they weren't a place where there was any Stupid 19 risk.  Additionally, and more destructively, students in the Bad Neighborhood were having their lives and schooling dismantled and destroyed.  All because the New World Order acolytes at the World Economic Forum, the Corporate Media, and a large army of Karens kept screaming "follow the science!!"

The real science was always very clear.  It was the politics and the money that the power elite were always more concerned with.

This is what I've shared with students (and a select few colleagues) over the past few months: they are never concerned with your health and welfare.  Never.

To think that the School Industrial Complex cares for a minute about students is ridiculous.  It's the same as thinking that the Military Industrial Complex wants to bring peace to the world.  

Trump wanted to open the schools in the summer of 2020.  Naturally, he was right.  However, because the 'hashtag resistance' crowd was never allowed to agree with the guy, you had instances like this:

"Teachers ... suddenly regarded the prospect more warily."  They suddenly didn't want to go into school, and they made sure that the 'official' word was that they could stay home, and get PAID.

"The AFT also demanded special remote work concessions for teachers “who have documented high-risk conditions or who are at increased risk for … COVID-19,” and that similar arrangements should extend to “staff who have a household member” with similar risks. A lengthy provision for that made it into the text of the final guidance."

See how this works?  They know that all they have to do is yell "We are here for the children!" or "But what about the children?!" ... and everyone will be quiet.  This time they had a secret weapon: "Follow the Science!"

And here's Randi showing us how it's done.  Just make it up, and keep talking about the children.  It's a successful formula, and she'll do it until it stops working.  With a population schooled into oblivion, it will never stop working:


My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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