Friday, April 30, 2021

Leaving Big Tech: An Alternative to YouTube

Maybe this should be called 'leaving the Beast'.

Big Tech, particularly Big Social Media and Google, have become ridiculous and censorious.  You can find all kinds of filth on those platforms, but if you put mild stuff from the Great Barrington Declaration, or you voice doubts about the Narratives we're fed, off you go.

Spandrell left the reservation, but he's a tech guy and his platform requires some intellectual firepower.  I don't have any intellectual firepower.

Tom Woods had a guy on who is one of the forces behind LBRY and Odysee.  When Corbett got taken off of YouTube for his brilliant "Science Says" video, I saw a ton of comments hoping that he'd backed his stuff up at LBRY or Odysee.  I had never heard of those platforms.  Then Woods had the guy on his show. I'm going there.  I'll keep my Youtube channel up for as long as I can, and BitChute as well, but this opens source, blockchain option looks like the future to me.

The best way, of course, is to build your own platform.  Not everyone can do that.  The Rulers like to make you feel despair and defeat, to make you think that there will never be a way out.  Even now, you see the cuckservatives crying about Parler, crying about the double standard, crying about the Big Tech censorship.  Why didn't they go to Gab?  Why don't they talk about BitChute, or now, Odysee?

Because they'd rather complain.  Establishment conservatism is a big joke.  They conserve nothing.

Listen to the Woods podcast.  I'm going to continue to slide away from big tech.  I nuked FB a long time ago.  I got kicked off of twitter and never went back.  I'm migrating toward the Proton Mail products as well.  

You are not beholden to these SJW jackasses who want to control your life.  Escape the Cult of Free.  Spend $5 a month for security and a woke-free existence. 


My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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