Tuesday, April 27, 2021

10 Worst Colleges for Free Speech: 2021

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education "The FIRE" does what the ACLU (RIP) used to do.  It tirelessly fights for individual rights.  Because the university campus is a cesspool of groupthink, and has devolved into a chanting, bleating herd, The FIRE serves a great purpose.

Every year the FIRE puts out a valuable list.  It will save you thousands of dollars if you're looking to go to college, or send one of your children.  Why spend thousands of dollars, or go even deeper into debt so your child can repeat Corporate Backed meaningless slogans? Below are the latest from ProFlowers and NASCAR:

This is the "resistance"?

If you want an actual education, avoid these schools.  To think that these institutions are run by the most spineless jellyfish in these United States is unfathomable.  The Campus is fried.  It's toast.  Game over.

Here's the top ten list. Avoid at all costs.  Pun intended:

If you really want to be in total disbelief, look at what those schools charge for tuition.  

I have to respect Syracuse University for the Lifetime Censorship Award.  Their speech limiting game it tight.

You'll see how ridiculous these schools are.  The article is here, and it is a glorious list of how clownish and stifling the 'campus' has become.


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