Sunday, March 28, 2021

They Are Working Overtime to Control YOU

Glenn Greenwald wrote a short article on how Congress is working overtime to get Big Tech to censor more of American's online travels.  GG's take on Jack Dorsey was quite interesting.  The paragraph on Zuckerberg alone made my yearly subscription worth the price:

The comment section on GG's articles is pretty good.  25% of them are Normies, wailing about "but don't they understand that the 1st Amendment says....?!?!"  These people haven't figured out that it's simply about control.  The globalist progressive Woke Hive Mind demands subservience, nothing else.  The constitution is a dead letter to them, unless it's convenient.

I posted this comment - a good one I think:

"Escaping the Cult of Free is part of the solution. Protonmail, Gab, Locals, BitChute, Substack, and other platforms are where people are heading. Big Tech got everyone in the pen because it was free. They've convinced you that you must use their platforms, and built up the most powerful flywheel in the human mind: HABIT. I remember when it was odd that companies were pushing their FB pages in your face. FB was a boring site where no one went. 

Then 'suddenly' every major corp had a FB page. Even more interesting when you consider that ZBerg is obviously easy to control, and the Winklevoss twins are not. Even MORE interesting when you look at the gov't agency early funding of the site.

Youtube used to be a free place. Not anymore. It's time to move. These power hungry disgusting busybodies have no idea what the life of a regular person is like. These pols don't like it that someone might hear something that undermines their precious authority. This is a collectivist mindset and it's been around forever. They hate individuals who can think for themselves.

The people at Urbit have the right idea. Soon it won't be only the uber tech savvy people there, it will be many more.

The breakup and decentralization has slowly begun. Soon it will be the country itself. I think it will be a bumpy ride, but it's both good and inevitable

That's how I see things going forward.  Why would I want to live under any of these control freaks who have no respect for the Western past?  Not only that, why would I want to live with people who think like this:

Here's the money quote.  I know people like this, as I'm in NYC and the 'people' are, as the Perfume Nationalist calls them: shitlibs:

"When I asked a True Believer about all this last week – a man whose scriptures are the New York Times, the New York Review of Books and the New Yorker magazine – my friend told me I should stop watching Fox News.

After I pressed him gently on Russiagate, he told me that Trump had indeed colluded with Putin but that Mueller pulled his punches because he’s a Republican.

How any right minded person expects anything else other than some form of national divorce; I don't know.  Imagine talking to the person above, knowing that not only does that person live near you, but votes.  

No thank you.

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