Saturday, March 27, 2021

How to Avoid Biting on the Corporate Media FAKE

The view that I, and others, were talking about months ago has reached the mainstream.  This was in my work email inbox yesterday from one of our vendor partners.  They are a huge player in the high school to college acceptance pipeline:

This was a heretical view as recently as 3 or 4 months ago.  If you brought it up, you got the usual COVID!! screeching and hand wringing.  On social media you got the standard "well don't you know COVID is a thing" trope that the Woke Prog bots have been spoon fed to mindlessly repeat.  The Great Barrington Declaration wrote elegantly that not only were school age children not at risk, but that the ripple effects of lockdowns on young people would be disastrous.  Open the schools and let young people live their lives they said.

Despite the Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford pedigree of the GBD authors, they were crucified by the Ticket Takers in the Corporate Press and the Woke imbeciles on Social Media.

One thing I stress to HS students is that it's important for your personal health to recognize these patterns. Remember way back in the Before Times, in June 2020, when HUGE gatherings were fine?  I do:

Here's how you know the COVID hysteria in the Corporate Press and the Public Health Industrial Complex is wholly fraudulent.  Here's a list, from memory, of horrible events that were maligned and crucified in the Press as either terrible things by terrible people and / or a 'superpreader' event:
  • Super bowl celebration in FL.
  • Tom Brady wasn't wearing a mask.
  • DJT rally on Jan. 6.
  • Sweden's COVID policy.
  • Anti Lockdown protest in MI.
  • Spring Break fun in Miami Beach.
  • Every pro Trump Rally.
  • IA loosening gathering limits in Feb 2021.
  • Every common sense CV19 policy by Republican governor DeSantis in FL.
That's a list of things just off the top of my head.

But you see the rally above was not only acceptable, it was lauded.  It was celebrated.  Not once in the linked article is it mentioned that a gathering that large is a COVID risk.  The mostly masked crowd was given a pass.  You see the same hypocritical nonsense with the USA / Mexico border farce. Are the people flowing into the United States required to get their temperature taken?  Do they have to write down their names and addresses for 'contact tracing'?  Are they limited to 50% capacity?  All of these things are required for me to eat at the Dominican restaurant down the street from where I live.  Why aren't the same regs instituted down there?  I am a Bad Person for asking these questions.  So are you.  

The point isn't the CV19 hypocrisy.  That's easy to spot, and there are plenty of people who do it better than I do.  Also the hypocrisy is built in.  It's always part of the script.  Its job is to foster anger and despair.  The message that I share with young people is that the people who rule us have no interest in your wellbeing.  One of their goals, among many, is power over large swaths of people.  That's it.  

So when you see an email message like the one I got yesterday, you have to shake your head.  It signals the end of the Old Narrative, and now we can wait for the new one.  Now that even more damage has been done to the Black neighborhood and other areas left behind, and billions of dollars and capital have flowed upward to the Top, it's time for whatever the new harmful Narrative to emerge.

I wonder what it will be?

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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