Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Worst Ruling Class EVER - Explained on Video

In this last round of free money from the sky (stimulus checks), around 1 million dead people got a check.

Dead people.

So not only has the federal government replaced God as the giver of all things good to the people, it also has the incompetence (or maybe beneficence?), to provide money to dead people.

Rand Paul explains in this video that there are elected officials at the federal level who don't want that kind of behavior to stop.  They want to keep the checks to the dead flowing.  They rationalize it the same way they always defend the indefensible.  

From stimmies to dead people, the clownish Fauci, and the destruction of the city formerly known as Washington DC, Paul explains how venal, absurd, stupid, incompetent and ridiculous our ruling class is.  I often talk about how we have the worst ruling class in the history of the human race, and this video cemented it for me.

Will the National Divorce be in 2030, 2033, or 2040?  I really think it's a matter of when, not if.  These people Rand Paul talks about rule over YOU.  Anyone thinking that FedGov is doing anything even remotely resembling what you learned in 6th grade Civics class is delusional.

The whole thing is a Woke, disastrous mess.  Our rulers are idiotic, and you owe them nothing.

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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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