Saturday, March 20, 2021

Tucker and Tracey vs. The MEDIA

Not too long ago this interview would have seemed impossible.

I wrote about Michael Tracey previously.  He is one of the independent journalists who has been tangentially forced to go to Substack.  The Media Industrial Complex has become a ridiculous parody of McCarthyite SJW absurdity.  As a result of this Tracey and others have left the reservation.  Corporate Media is imploding.  They don't care that they're losing money.  The billionaire backers have plenty of federal reserve notes to last decades.  Keeping the Narrative going is more important.

If they wanted to succeed financially, they need to read this book:

As the corporate cancer metastasizes, odd pairings like Michael Tracey and Tucker Carlson on FOX happen.  Tracey was on Tucker's show, talking about what is happening in Corporate Media, and how it is trying to stifle any dissenting opinion.

Interestingly, what the garden variety conservatives were talking about for the past 30 years has come to pass.  The standard Conservative line was always that 'The Left' would eventually devour its own, and the useful idiots would be targeted eventually.  This is what's happening now.  The shame of it all is that the Establishment Corporate Conservative (TM) faction was always there to lose.  They were the Washington Generals for the Leftist's Harlem Globetrotters.  Stated differently, they had no intention of trying to win, they were controlled opposition.  It was a lucrative gig.  The price, of course, was heritage America.

Now you see dialogue that would have been unthinkable years ago.  Tracey is most assuredly not going to be invited on the MSNBC / CNN type channels.  FOX is his only option.  Glenn Greenwald has mentioned in the past that he was last on MSNBC years ago, and hasn't even gotten an invite in years.

The media landscape is changing.  The group (neoliberal / neoconservative) that has systematically taken over and destroyed These United States is lashing out in many ways.  Dissenting opinion isn't allowed.  Throughout history, this is how left leaning power groups always behave.  The recent attack on Substack is the media front.  The "covid passport" is the travel front.  They can't, and won't ever let you have any kind of freedom.  

These strange pairings and discussions are part of the inevitable national breakup.  This is good.  

The Tracey / Carlson interview is here:

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