Monday, March 29, 2021

Texas MASK Update - Fauci Juice WORKS

Stupid 19 is the gift that keeps on giving.  Witness:

You like how I caught the surprised guy meme gif in mid shock.  I have to love myself for that.  My blog post game is tight rn.

The funny part of this is how people simply can't get past themselves.  Many of the replies are talking about the efficacy of vaccines.  It's like a religion now, on everyone's side.  There is no escape.

They say this despite the fact that even if you get the Fauci Juice you are told you STILL have to social distance and wear a mask.  If that's the case, then how can anyone explain the fact that 'cases' have gone down ... after dropping the mask mandate?  This absurd country we're in is devolving into some kind of hybrid Religulous  / Idiocracy hybrid.

Why did I put 'cases' in quotes?  Because this is the counting methodology in the 'modern' West:

And based on this, they are moving quickly to limit your travel, limit your movement, limit your fun, and basically control every aspect of your life.  

Now I see how all the insanely violent things in the past happened.  The Powers That Be simply make everyone afraid, based on things real or imagined, and the Herd will comply and do anything for group acceptance and  / or safety.

It really seems to be that simple.

** I owe much of the rhetoric and nomenclature here to the Hoteps.  They've been on fire lately and deserve a listen / watch.**
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