Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The SPARK that Lights the Fire

One of the best military historians alive, William Lind, sees what's happening.  As an older guy with a wealth of historical knowledge, and no fealty whatsoever to the woke / progressive / liberal / Democrat beast, he writes in a refreshingly direct way. If you want unchained, politically incorrect analysis, you can find it here.

Lind cuts down to the bone in a few places.  I think he's right.

Here's the first hit:

"Great historic currents are often set in motion by small events. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand did not cause World War I–the cause was enmity between Austria and Russia that went back to the Crimean War, coupled with military plans that put a premium on mobilizing faster than your opponent–but provided the spark in the powder magazine."

Then he goes a little bit further:

"Such a spark is in the offing. Bowing to the demands of cultural Marxism and its “woke” fanatics, the Biden Administration is moving to re-name all military bases whose present names are those of Confederate generals. This is part of the Left’s hate campaign against the South, its history, and its culture, and more broadly its demand that whites continually abase themselves before blacks (not including the blacks who fought for the Confederacy, a non-trivial number)."

I told you so.  That's about as far away from mainstream or corporate academia opinion as you can get.  As a matter of fact, Lind writes the opposite of what we're told in the Main.  It's one of the patterns you have to recognize.  Usually the opposite of what the Cathedral is saying is what's actually true.  Following that pattern has worked for me.  Whoever is being 'oppressed' at the time, you can be sure that that Narrative is, at minimum, wrong, if not the opposite of what is going on in the real world.

You've seen how the 'asians are oppressed' Narrative was created out of whole cloth in the past month.  It literally came out of nowhere.  There's no evidence to support it.  There is no wave of any kind.  I've always wondered who at the top thinks up the next Narrative.  We know why they do it.  They just need more distractions and oppression narratives for the Herd, especially as the Stupid 19 story loses strength.  Social media is now filled with the Stop Asian Hate fodder for the farm animals.

Lastly, Lind explains his reasoning:

"But fighting men tend to have strong identification with things like regiments, service branches, and the historic names of their bases. The units based at places such as Ft. Bragg, Ft. Hood, and Ft. Benning identify with those names. In many cases, other family members often serve at those same bases for generations (as always, the Army’s most important recruiting ground is the rural South). All over the country retired fighting men share strong identification with the current base names. I do not find it difficult to imagine that when the new, politically correct base names are announced, the troops on those bases mutiny. If they do, they are likely to get strong support from veterans and from the communities that surround the bases.

What does the Washington Establishment do then? If it sends other military units against those resisting, they are likely to refuse the orders. So will the National Guard. So will the police. What now, Madam Under-secretary

I'm not sure Lind is right about that last part.  We just watched police and military do exactly as they were told when it came to enforcing anti-constitutional CV19 lockdown demands.  Hey, they're just doing their jobs right?  They've got a pension to protect, right?  He naively expects the military or the cops to disobey, in the name of 'freedom'.  Some will, but those numbers will be small.

Where he's right is the idea that an economic collapse is practically guaranteed to create a spark.  As the dollar loses value, it's possible that we will see the National Divorce proceed with increased speed. He ends with the economic point, and on that he's correct.  The only question is when.

What will your situation be like when the music stops?

Angelo Codevilla writes about the same topic, from a different angle, here.  Both of these articles were at Vox's site, to which I owe a great deal.

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