Friday, March 12, 2021

The WOKE Takeover of School

Bari Weiss got booted from The NY Times because she wasn't woke enough.  Perhaps that's why she's writing for City Journal, one of the flagship magazines for Establishment Conservatives.  If you'd told me Weiss would write an article for City Journal 3 year ago I would have laughed in your face ... whoops, I mean xir face.

In this great article, Weiss details the insane woke philosophy that has permeated and destroyed once proud elite institutions.  These are prep schools, places where you pay $40K a year in tuition or more, are incredibly insular and private, and are seen as the pipelines to corporate and governmental power.

It's really a primer on how to render the upper class, people with plenty of money, powerless.  You'd think that if you were wealthy, you could go tell the woke post modern imbeciles to go somewhere.  It turns out you can't.  Because the university and the "left" has never allowed dissent, the SJW woke cancer has metastasized, and the prognosis is a certain death.


"Brentwood, a school that costs $45,630 a year, made headlines a few weeks back when it held racially segregated “dialogue and community-building sessions.” But when I speak with a parent of a middle-school student there, they want to talk about their child’s English curriculum. “They replaced all the books with no input or even informing the parents.” The curriculum no longer features classics such as The Scarlet Letter, Little Women, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Lord of the Flies. New books include: Stamped, Dear Martin, Dear Justice, and Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass.

“The dean said to me, basically, it’s important to change with the times,” said the Brentwood parent. In a statement, Brentwood’s director of communications said: “Diversity, equity and inclusion are critical components of our education and our community at Brentwood School. The events of last summer created a call to action for all of us, in our school community and beyond.” Brentwood has announced a late-starting school day on March 10 for the lower school “due to our faculty book study of White Fragility.”

At Fieldston, an elective is offered to high school juniors and seniors called “historicizing whiteness.” At Grace Church School, seniors can take a course called “Allying: Why? Who? and How?” The curriculum includes a ’zine called “Accomplices Not Allies” that declares “the work of an accomplice in anti-colonial struggle is to attack colonial structures & ideas,” alongside a photograph of a burning police car. Harvard-Westlake, in its extensive antiracist plan announced this summer, included “redesigning the 11th grade US History course from a critical race theory perspective,” among many similar goals.

To question any of the curricular changes, parents say, is to make yourself suspect: “Every group chat I’m on with school parents, with the exception of my concerned parents’ group, they have a pattern of shaming anyone who shares anything remotely political or dissents from the group narrative,” one Brentwood mother wrote to me. “Once someone shames one person, many chime in agreement. The times I speak up to defend those they shame, they attempt to shame me.

I don't know what "Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass" is, but I had to laugh out loud at that one.

The strange thing, and the lens into the human condition is that these parents feel stuck.  In order for their child's success, the child needs to go to Harvard, and to go to Harvard they need to complete their schooling at this Elite private school.  

Only when they realize that Harvard is as bad a joke as the ridiculous woke prep school, will they break out.  

Ironically, here at the Bad Neighborhood school, we have almost none of this.  Parents want their children to get a good education, learn real things, and be able to navigate adulthood successfully.  When the student body has no white students (I've had no YT students in 19 years), the woke babble doesn't fly.

What these left leaning, Elite wealthy parents, being good D voting people (remember, Democrats are the good guys right?) don't realize, is that this is only about power.  Nothing else.  The Woke imbecile doesn't believe any of this.  Especially those at the top.  It's a power grab.  How else do you take over Fieldston, or Chapin, or Harvard-Westlake?  You can't do it through traditional means, you have to do it through SJW cancer.  And because your garden-variety white liberal bought into the multicultural, anti-colonialist, anti-capitalist idiocy, and all the -isms for the past 25 years, and pegged anyone right of center a terrible person... this is what you get.  Because these parents have no dignity or respect, and are filled with fear; they will lose.

They have to tell the Post Modern SJW beast to go F off.  I don't think they will.

This article is worth a look, but I have no sympathy.


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