Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Narrative Shifts - Teachers Unions Are MAD

I can tell the narrative has shifted because now our school district alerts about COVID! are mellow and understated.  My district will have a few cases, the sup't will mention that a minor quarantine is necessary, and 'have a good evening'.  No histrionics, no 'stay safe', no alarm bells.

There is also a serious push to get students back in school.  The staff has completely returned, but the students are happy to sleep in, log on, and drop out.  In a school that normally has 1500 students in the building, we'll have 60 come in on any given day.

The parents are shaken by the year long death-fear porn fest on CNN and NPR.  

But we're open, and trying to get students in the building. 

However, some of the big city teachers unions are pushing back against opening - not wanting to go back to work.  This isn't surprising.  Who wouldn't want to stay home, get paid, and teach via zoom?  It's very easy.  Students don't learn anything, but it's very easy for the teacher.  I know a teacher who had "internet issues" for a few Fridays in a row, and couldn't log on.  Sorry kids.  True story.

This article goes into good detail about how the teachers unions are kicking and screaming about having to go back to work.  Adam Carolla has been talking about this a lot, and I thought he was just doing the standard Establishment Conservative schtick.  Turns out he was right:

Students have never been in any danger.  We've known this since April 2020.  No matter.  Klaus Schmidt, Bill Gates, and the rest of the Great Reset Crowd want more power, more control, and more money from the Vast Herd, so scaring them with COVID! 24/7/365 was the necessary game plan.  It worked.  Too well it turns out.

As usual, facts don't matter.

"Case in point: Washington D.C.’s Catholic schools have 17,000 students. Since the start of the school year, they have had only 200 known cases of COVID-19 and not a single hospitalization, even though most of the elementary school students are in-person every day (Catholic high school students in the diocese follow a hybrid model).

Most significantly, just 246 people under the age of 19 have died from COVID-19 in the U.S., according to recent data. More than 95% of deaths are among people older than 60. For the under-19 crowd, COVID-19 appears to be even less deadly than the flu.

But instead of trusting The Science (™), teachers unions are acting as if returning to schools is the equivalent of drinking the blood of a Covid-infected bat."

Again, none of that matters.  What does matter is that going back to work is "bad", and guess what?  It's the work of racism, sexism, and mysogyny.  I'm not kidding:

Here's the money quote: 

"“Been feeling this lately. We can discuss the merits of reopening but the conversation cannot be rooted in white supremacy,” the user wrote. “White folks questioning BIPOC’s intelligence, especially women of color. Our ability to “understand the science.” The coded language is hella out of pocket.”

These are the people teaching your children.


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I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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