Saturday, March 6, 2021

Cuomo Says NO

There are many odd things about this Andrew Cuomo slow motion train wreck.

First, why is the darling of the D establishment, an Emmy Award winner, and a person spoken of as the anti Orange Man (presidential candidate?) getting skewered so hard?  Normally, this sexual harassment stuff would be ignored by the press, which means that for Mr. and Mrs. Normie, it didn't happen.  Why are the long knives coming out?  Why now?

Remember, this is the guy who was able to force NY'ers to lockdown and mask, even when it made no sense.  The fact that he killed 10,000 to 15,000 people with his ridiculous and disastrous nursing home decisions is OLD news.  If you weren't a serf to corporate media, you knew about this story in September 2020.  You mean you didn't see it on Facebook?  Or CNN?  Or in The NY Times?  I'm shocked.

So why now?  I don't know.  I do know this: Cuomo is unwittingly putting on a clinic as to how to handle the Woke SJW.  He's simply saying NO.  Gavin Newsome is talking about double masking, yet he had dinner at a $500 a plate restaurant, inside, in a crowd.  Does he care? No.  Remember # believeallwomen? When it was Kavanaugh, it was screamed at everyone.  Where are those people now?  Does Cuomo even care about them? No.  He's saying he won't resign.  And that's how you deal with the SJW Woke oddball.  You simply refuse to bend, grovel, apologize or scrape.  Look at Gov. Northam in VA.  Does the picture of him in blackface or klan robes slow him down?  No.  He said, really quietly, that he wasn't in the picture.  They just push back and refuse.  Make the Woke crowd push you out.  Always fight back.  Just say no.  Why the sleazy Democrat types know this and the awful, weak Conservatives don't is mystifying...

Tangentially related, we in NY are now allowed to eat inside a restaurant, like regular people.  The rule says 30% capacity, but every restaurant I've been in my neighborhood is ignoring that big time.  Maybe NYPD has let it be known that they're not enforcing it - I really don't know.  But the restauranteurs up here in the BX are waaaaaayy over 30%.  Good for them.

Rules are loosening up.  And in the fact free, logic free, science free world we are in, you can see why the Cult of CV19 can do whatever it wants.  We plebs were allowed to begin eating inside on February 12th.  The original date was the 14th, but restaurants wanted to get ready for Valentine's Day, so they changed it. That's science, in case you were wondering.

Here are the numbers leading up to OPENING.  Notice the trend down, and the 10th, 11th and 12th numbers of deaths per day:

So we were well over 100 deaths per day in NY, that means we can OPEN.  Let's look at December 12th, when we had to close.  

NY was between 70 and 90 or so deaths per day. That means CLOSE.  Here's the best part of the Cult of CV19.  After the restaurant indoor dining ban, the deaths per day rocketed up to the upper 100s and low 200s per day ... while we were forced to not eat inside at a restaurant.  The numbers were still higher and restaurants were allowed to OPEN for indoor dining.

None of it matters.  The idea is you do as you're told, follow the SCIENCE and the experts, and shut your mouth.  So far, it's working.  For them.  They love it.

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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