Monday, March 15, 2021

Greenwald vs. Big Tech

I've mentioned the small number of left leaning journalists out there.  Greenwald is leading a very small parade of people who are correctly noting and writing about the dangerous power of Big Tech. 

Andrew Breitbart saw it years ago, but the mainstream did everything to destroy him, and then it literally did just that.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and Silicon Valley and the Corporate Media are both fighting each other and trying to work together to stifle any dissent.  If you at all veer from the Prog SJW BLM narrative, you are censored.

Greenwald and others are fighting this.  He and others spoke before Congress:

"The Subcommittee held a hearing on Friday and I was invited to testify along with Microsoft President Brad Smith; President of the News Guild-Communications Workers of America Jonathan Schleuss, the Outkick’s Clay Travis, CEO of the Graham Media Group Emily Barr, and CEO of the News Media Alliance David Chavern. The ostensible purpose the hearing was a narrow one: to consider a bill that would vest media outlets with an exemption from anti-trust laws to collectively bargain with tech companies such as Facebook and Google so that they can obtain a greater share of the ad revenue. The representatives of the news industry and Microsoft who testified were naturally in favor of this bill (they have been heavily lobbying for it) because it would benefit them commercially in numerous way (the Microsoft President maintained the conceit that the Bill-Gates-founded company was engaging in self-sacrifice for the good of Democracy by supporting the bill but the reality is the Bing search engine owners are in favor of anything that weakens Google)."

This is important work. It's a watershed event because you are seeing the small number of people out there who aren't simply vying for power, or jockeying for position in this New Order of the Media Industrial Complex.

Greenwald and his kind are people with standards. They want uncensored media, and are willing to take heat in order to defend it. These people are rare and deserve to be heard and supported. I subscribe to his substack page. You should know, they are trying to censor Substack because there is too much truth on it. Too many people who aren't slavishly following the Narrative reside there. Greenwald is certainly leading that parade.

Here is his opening statement.

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