Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Break 2020 Project - "Magical Egypt" Documentary

This is probably the best, most original documentary on ancient Egypt. It talks about Ancient Egypt's connection to the Mystery Schools, which we've looked at, to its connection to the human and spiritual world. It also connects to the Secret Societies.

Please watch this, the first episode, and write a short reaction piece. What did you find interesting or different from the regular analyses of Egypt? What are some of the things you learned? Create around a page of reaction, thinking about the visuals, the depth of information, and the connection to some of the ideas about humanity we've explored so far in this class. (100 points)

From the Website:

"There is another side of Egypt that is not so widely known. Egypt is also the land of secrets. Another history, a secret history, tells of Egypt as the inheritor of deep wisdom and magical ability from an even earlier culture. It is the account of the Egyptians themselves. This alternate history is echoed by parallel accounts from the myth and history of other ancient cultures, as well as myriad secret societies and occult sources. The remarkable number of parallels in these stories provides a unique window into this other Egypt.

A new kind of counterculture is emerging around the unexpected discoveries of a small but growing circle of scientists, authors and researchers. The focal point of this counterculture centers on an alternative interpretation of ancient Egypt - not as mankind's earliest attempts at primitive civilization, but as a fully developed, and inexplicably advanced culture, who's scientific and metaphysical achievements we are only beginning to fully appreciate. Featuring and based on the work of John Anthony West.


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