Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Is the pandemic being used to mask a wealth & power transfer? | Russell Brand

Russell Brand tackles a few topics in this presentation. He looks at the economics of the pandemic, and the movement of money into the hands of those who already have a lot of money. He also analyzes, with some depth, the idea of politicians or newscasters 'crying' in public. Lastly, he looks at the system of rule / government we're in and asks about its legitimacy as a form and what it takes to maintain it.

Paul Joseph Watson also tackles the economics of CV19 as well in his latest video. You can check it out on his channel. The British are really on this topic ... more than we seem to be here in the States.

Comment on Brand's presentation. As he analyzes the methods of conveying emotion and legitimacy through 'crying' on camera, how is his presentation itself? He chooses clips, humor, rhetorical questions, and philosophy to get his point across. Explain if you think he has found a good way to get his messages across. How would you rate his presentation?


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