Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Teach the Children and Let Them .... See REALITY

There are some eternally reliable events that I show high school students, particularly when it comes to the American Corporate Press and it's unholy alliance with Gov't.  You can expect certain things to happen in America without fail.  They are 100% certainties.  This is one of those times.

Lately there was a "Coronavirus Stimulus / Relief" bill proposed. Americans, if they don't make too much money, will get $600.  My apartment maintenance bill for one month is $832.  We haven't even talked about my mortgage.

You know who gets some real $$?  Here are some goodies in the goody bag: 

  • The Covid relief bill also includes $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan

Here's one of my favorites:

You can look at the monstrous porkulus bill here. It's amazing. And people wonder why DJT won simply by explaining that the Globalists had taken over America.  He was right, and people can see it.

Rand Paul R-KY, is livid about this.  He's making good points, and throwing verbal punches on the floor of the Senate.

Here's the thing I explain to High Schoolers - that this is normal.  Now that Bad Orange Man Bad is (perhaps, wait til Jan 20th 2021) no longer the president, the wholly fake R vs. D cage match is back on!  Rand Paul is one of the few legislators who speaks about having fiscal common sense all the time.  His father, Ron Paul, was an heroic congressman who did the same thing.  He was even more hard core.

I remember thinking in 2010 that the rise of the internet would change minds, and allow Americans to see how their federal gov't had completely been overrun, poisoned, and commandeered by globalist psychopaths.  If that sounds like 'too much', then look at Klaus Schwab and his book COVID-19: The Great Reset.  I didn't write it.  I posted about it, but the hive mind can't see things like Schwab and the plans he has for you and your country.  That's why I don't do regular social media - I simply show this stuff to high schoolers and they 'get it' much better than the adults in their lives. 

Hence: Teach The Children.

Lastly, here is one of the sentiments I've been feeling, especially now that the 'business as usual' FedGov is up to its usual tricks:

I've said the same thing about the lazy teachers, who are at no risk, clamoring for more school closures.  If you told them that working from home meant half pay, you'd see teachers fighting to get into the building, clawing at each other to the death to get to the classroom to teach young people.

Van Morrison is right.  We are not in this together.  We have the worst Ruling Class in human history.  You owe them nothing.


My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon.  I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble.

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