Wednesday, November 11, 2020

You Won't See This on Faux News

 .... because Hannity's producer canceled the interview at the last minute.  Remember the previous post about "being over the target"?

Here is a darling of what used to be called the 'left'.  She is talking truth to power.  She is going up against forces that are connected, organized, and willing to do all flavors of malfeasance.

You'd think someone in the Corporate Media, anyone, would listen to her.  

Vox had the link and the post on his blog.  He gets an incredible amount of traffic.  He gets tens of thousands of hits per post.  I get around 50.  You do what you can.

The Fox producer's reaction, as well as the absurd hypocrisy and unintelligible rhetoric being produced by the Legacy Media lets me know that this story has legs.  This brave woman deserves respect, and to be heard.

@bookoffiverings delivers the goods:

From Gab:

-She is naming names. This took place in Detroit. Here is the synopsis.

-This lady is an IT tech for Dominion Voting Systems, sent to the polls to make sure the machines operate correctly and assist the workers.

-While there observes anomalies in the counter on one of the tabulating machines, resulting in hundreds of votes being counted numerous times

-When reported to her boss Nick Ikonomakis (VP and co-owner) he took her aside and said "the last thing we need is a problem, we are only here to assist with IT, not help them run elections"

-There were 40 such machines running, she estimates thousands and thousands of anomalies like this, just in that one location

-If a reject ballot would not go thru the machine, the employee would get a blank ballot and fill it out, unsupervised, and then forge the voters signature. She witnessed this all day and all night.

-in a 24 hour shift, not a single ballot filled-in this way was for Trump. There was a table that they called "duplicate ballots" for these, which numbered in the thousands

-Two young guys in their 20s were responsible for inputting ALL the information from that location into the computer. There was no oversight of them. The two of them worked doubles, all day and all night, and were friendly with Nick.

-of all the workers there, this whistleblower lady was the ONLY republican, which she kept a secret. Every other worker was disparaging of Trump the entire time, and were wearing BLM stuff, 'I can't breathe', etc.

-Also implicated in the mis-handling was City of Detroit employees and supervisors, including Daniel Baxter, doing forbidden things such as going outside to smoke. It is supposed to be a contained building. They were in and out all through the shift, with boxes of ballots just sitting on tables.

-City was supposed to provide food for the workers, but didn't have enough. Vans were brought in supposedly to bring food, but no food ever came out of the vans. They were completely unmarked vehicles. Whatever was being unloaded from the vans went out their back doors and up the stairs.

RedPill78 brings the video.  You can hear her here:

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