Friday, November 13, 2020

Why Show Them Any Respect? You Owe Them Nothing

  •  Remember you can celebrate Joe Biden's victory, but not protest against lockdowns.  
  • You can loot and burn, but you, now, effective today, can't go to a local restaurant after 10PM.
  • You can't get a haircut, but Lori Lightfoot and Nancy Pelosi can.
  • You can't own a pistol, but the NYC mayor and NY governor are surrounded by armed guards.
  • There's talk of locking down schools again, but the Moneyed Elite have private tutors.
  • You aren't allowed to have more than 10 people over for Thanksgiving, but the government class can meet for a conference together and have as many people as they wish, on any day they want.
  • You're a bigot for wanting a border wall, but Pelosi, Cuomo, JK Rowling, and Mark Zuckerberg all live in gated communities, behind walls, surrounded by security.

I typed all of the above off the top of my head.  Just thinking out loud.  One of the ones I forgot is that we need to 'Defund the police'.

Unless of course, one of the government class needs the police because her Lyft driver won't roll up the window.  This is so brazen, so hypocritical, so amazing, it beggars the imagination:

My point is very simple.  Why do you show any of these people any respect?  Why do you listen?  You owe them nothing,.  They have run These United States into the ground, and they demand your obedience and fealty.

Stop it.  In whatever little way you can, ignore them.