Saturday, November 14, 2020

Two More Steps Toward System Collapse

What we're witnessing, particularly in NYC is how the Power Elite destroy faith in the system. The decisions being made at the local level, as well as the power grab at the federal level will end with huge swaths of people checking out of the system. The people who ran things in the past, as much as they were members of secret societies, as hungry as they were for power, understood that the pleb's faith in the system was paramount, and if you pushed too hard and messed with the legitimacy of the System you were pushing too hard. 

They're pushing too hard now. 

Another curfew in NYC, NYC schools closing again, obvious voter fraud, the Corporate Media showing its corrupt depravity ... these things are out in the open. I am hearing people of all stripes talk about having real disgust for their gov't rulers. An incredibly diverse bit of citizenry here in NYC are angry and disgusted. All of the evidence points toward not only people losing faith in the system, but also a bigger breakup of these United States. 

That's what's discussed in my studio here:

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