Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Is Tucker Right? Election 2020 From a Different Angle - Part I

This is the first in a series I'm going through with the 12th grade.

Tucker Carlson is a commentator / newsman for Fox News. Like many things, the Top of the Pyramid has told me, and probably told you, that Fox News is a terrible place, filled with bias and Republican Party racism. However, unlike many people, I like my opinions to be my own. I had an opinion about Fox News, and it had been given to me by the Corporate Media class. It wasn't my opinion. So, about a year ago, I watched some of Fox's material. It wasn't as bad as I was led to believe, but I didn't become a regular viewer.

However, one thing I noticed quickly that Tucker Carlson's work and commentary was different, and I'd like to run some of it by you.

To cover what is going on in this election season, I want to start the day before the election, with a clip no one else in the School Business will show you.

In my opinion, to show you the 'Other' side, is as vital as following the news, rhetoric, spin, framing and wording of the 'Mainstream' side.

In this clip, Carlson shows you images from Butler Pennsylvania, at a Trump rally. He explains something unique: why they are so excited and, in a town of 2.7 sq. miles, with a population of 13,000, they came out so strong for Trump. Why would they be so jazzed up about Trump? What are the reasons?

Carlson explains, using strong wording and imagery, why they rallied so hard. He talks about Trump as an 'indictment of the ruling class.' He goes further and explains that the Ruling Class was so egotistical and destructive, and ignored them in their time of need, that Trump simply showing them attention and affection was enough. Butler has been ravaged by the opioid epidemic. No one seemed to care. Trump showed up and has tried to help.

My one question to you is: Is Tucker right?

Analyze his words, delivery, imagery and use of rhetoric and logic. Does he have a case?

In order to look at these real-time events in this historic time, we have to set some groundwork first. This is why we're going with this now.

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