Thursday, November 26, 2020

You Owe Them Nothing. Ignore Them. Thanksgiving Edition

The governors and other government officials have gotten orders from on High to 'control' Thanksgiving, particularly what you do in the privacy of your own home.

And why wouldn't they? People in the Era of The Novel Coronavirus have been so shaken and propagandized that, like good sheeple, they'll do as they're told.  It's quite incredible.

We are at the stage where making this connection is impossible for most Americans:

This is OK, and not only OK, but the "social distancing" and "mask" orders were not only suspended, they were pushed aside because of Social Justice:


Portland Oregon.  But it's all good.  What's some looting, burning, and crime when you're fighting for antiracism?  Where was the governor?  I don't know either.

But here she is, looking like she's made out of wax, telling the citizens of Oregon that not only is not listening to the Thanksgiving orders a Class C misdemeanor, but law enforcement is out looking for you:

Got that?  Not only are we going to rub it in your face, we will prosecute you if you disobey what we think is just.
  • They have run the ship of State into the ground.
  • They rely on your compliance.
  • The idea of the rule of law today is a lie. 
  • There is no law. 
  • There is no justice. 
  • There are only lies.
Are they following their own rules?  Of course not. Gavin Newsome at the French Laundry restaurant in LA - no mask and 15 people at the table.  Lori Lightfoot out in public with a crowd.  

And here's the latest from the Denver Mayor:

"Denver Mayor Michael Hancock has issued a lengthy apology after calling on city residents to stay home for Thanksgiving to avoid spreading the coronavirus, before hitching a flight out of the state less than an hour later.

“Pass the potatoes, not Covid,” Hancock said in a tweet on Wednesday morning, urging Denverites to “stay at home as much as you can” and “avoid travel” for the holiday, among other recommendations amid the health crisis.

About 30 minutes after the tweet, however, Hancock boarded a plane bound for Mississippi, where he would spend Thanksgiving with family – directly at odds with the advice dispensed from his Twitter handle just moments earlier – according to a local NBC affiliate."

They're laughing at you. You owe them nothing.  You can burn a city to the ground, in a massive crowd of thousands, but you're being told how to handle Thanksgiving.  Why anyone listens to these people is beyond me.

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