Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Tom Woods: BANNED!

 Our Overlords have shown themselves to the teenagers.

I assigned Tom Woods' "The Covid Cult" talk to the seniors a few days ago.  This morning, I woke up to this message:

There was another one just like it a few minutes later.

What the Elite, who wish to manage everyone, never realize is that by doing this, they have shown their true colors to teenagers.  The students hate this kind of thing.  Half the class has already seen the video.  It's harmless - Woods simply shows the Covid mask policy nonsense, and ridicules the depraved lockdown rules.  So now the first half is wondering what was so egregious to warrant a ban.  The other half is now extra curious about what the video had to say.

They also have been introduced to BitChute.

Authoritarian progressives seem to only understand force.  If a video has something they don't like, or an opinion that the Masters dislike, their reaction is to ban it.  Have they not heard of the Streisand effect?

In the old days, the corny saying was that this was a 'teachable moment'.  Ok:

Congratulations Big Tech Overlords.  You've helped me wake up a small army of teens.

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