Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Professor Sunetra Gupta: 'Lockdowns are a luxury of the affluent…the UK cannot afford it'

From YouTube:

"Professor of theoretical epidemiology Sunetra Gupta has criticised the planned return to a Covid tier system in December. Speaking with talkRADIO's Julia Hartley-Brewer, the Great Barrington Declaration co-author said it “still leaves the doors open to the enormous harms of lockdown”.

She added: “Lockdowns are a luxury of the affluent…the UK cannot afford it.” It comes ahead of Boris Johnson setting out plans for a strengthened three-tier system of restrictions to replace England national lockdown and to pave the way for a limited relaxation at Christmas."


Dr. Gupta is a professor at Oxford University. She is at the pinnacle of her profession. There isn't any higher level for her to go.

She is one of 3 authors of The Great Barrington Declaration, a short treatise that basically says we, as a society, should protect the vulnerable, and let the young people live their lives. I have signed it. So have 638,931 others. She follows the science of Herd Immunity, stating that all viruses have to run their course and herd immunity is a viable goal. She also advocates for schools to be open, as the effects of school closures are so bad that students are worse off being locked down.

For speaking out against the corporate press's and government's idea of what to do, she has taken tons of abuse. She has stated that school lockdowns should end immediately, among other things. The interviewer asks her about this toward the end of the interview.
  1. Do you think she, as a credentialed expert in her field, presented her case well and handled the questions well?
  2. She has an academic demeanor - balanced and thoughtful. Does it work here?
  3. Why do you think she has been called vile names (ad hominem attacks), had negative articles written about her, and been publicly vilified? After all, she's a scientific expert at one of the top schools in the world. Why aren't the gov't officials and their allies in the press more deferential? Explain.

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