Tuesday, November 24, 2020

An Army of NPC's

I do online work for college students - editing papers, helping with research, proofreading.  The assignments are incredibly useless, and it seems that all these profs teach is time-wasting 101.

The high school work I give my 9th graders is more interesting, by a lot.

One of the reasons why you see people so addled and inept in both their political views and inability to think for themselves is held in this picture.  Look at what this professor tells the class are the 'reliable sources':

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC ... it's a murderers row of Corporate incompetence.  They've served the regime for decades.  They've pumped for every war, every police action, every member of the Elite Cathedral since well before I was born.

This is a 'liberal' professor, who has no original ideas of his own, telling a small army of community college students that these sources are the 'reliable' ones, and the alternate media is unreliable.

If you wondered why you see so many people in their 20's looking like this when the political news doesn't go their way...

These people think NPR is a 'reliable source'.

This group of people believes CNN.

My students are from mostly public community colleges and smaller schools.  One can only wonder what's going on in the Narrative Factories that our Elite attend.

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