Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Twitter is Your Boss - Only 7 Outlets Can "Declare Victory" in the 2020 Election

Vox had this on his blog.  It's quite amazing what Big Tech / Big Corp is willing to do.  They never learn:  

Far Left Twitter Identifies Only 7 Approved Outlets to Announce Presidential Election Results — EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE FLAGGED!

Only 7 approved outlets are allowed on Twitter to tell you who has won the election.  The Prog Woke world has, for the past 2 weeks, pushed out the narrative that it would be ridiculous that Trump would declare victory on election night.  He "can't" do that.

They're doing 2 things when they push out narratives like this.  They are:

  • Fomenting despair.
  • Telegraphing their strategy for everyone to see.

Years from now, when they ask 'How was DJT able to win twice?', one of the reasons will be events like this one.

"You, citizen prole, are not living in your country, you're living in ours. We will determine what you see, and from whom you see it.  Your job is to do as you're told, and believe what we tell you."

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