Monday, November 2, 2020

2020 Prediction: Trumpslide Avalanche Blowout

The polling prior to the 2016 election was so bad, it became laughable to watch.  Even as a tired, broken down English teacher in the bad neighborhood, I could see the writing on the wall.  DJT was campaigning a lot, and in all of the rust belt states.  I told colleague that Trump would win - this was in September of 2016.  She thought I had lost it, and it was easy to see why.  All the polls had Clinton winning - 98% chance of winning right up to election night.

They're doing the same thing again.

With the corruption of the Corporate Press, Hollywood, much of Gov't, and the University campus, it's easy to understand why they're following the same game plan.  Not only are these people not connected to reality, they have no grasp of what's going on.  Having The NY Times and the rest of the MSM screaming about how Trump is evil every day doesn't make it so.  It also doesn't change hearts and minds.

The polls, at this point, are simply what the Top of the Pyramid wants to happen. In their desire for control, they have severely overplayed their hand.  Vox Day has, for the past few months, analyzed the polls and shown that earlier they were reporting a Biden cruise to victory.  Then he predicted that the numbers would change. It happened.  Then the polls would 'tighten'.  That happened too.  Now they're hedging their bets bigly - shown here by the ridiculous Nate Silver at 538:

If you veer even slightly away from woke Corporate Media, you get polls like this:

"Hey but that's Breitbart!  It's a right wing site!"

No, it's a Democracy Institute poll, that Breitbart put on its site.


The Corporatocracy that rules over us wants Joe Biden to win.  He's the puppet candidate.  Harris is a terrible campaigner who got destroyed by Tulsi Gabbard in the debates and vanished thereafter.

This election won't even be close.  All signs, if you know how to read them, point to a massive Trump win.  

Last point.  The Corporate Press and Social Media are prepping everyone for a drawn out post Election Day process.  This means they know they're going to lose, and are going all in to attempt to drag it out and work on the shenanigans.  I think the win will be large enough that all the tricks in the world won't work.

Are the wealthy areas of your hometown boarding up the stores because they are worried that excited Biden supporters will break the glass and loot? No - they're doing it for other reasons, all across the country.

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