Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Eroding Confidence in the USA

 Why would anyone be confident or positive about the future of these United States?  We have been downgraded to 'Emerging Nation' status:

Greenwald is right again.

Why would anyone mistake the USA for a first world western republic?

  • People were boarding up stores before the election.
  • We don't have final numbers even though we get "CASES!" numbers every day.
  • The states up for grabs are all necessary for a Biden win - 'swing states'.
  • Riots / protests have already happened (are they social distancing?).
  • The pundit / corporate media class got everything wrong - again, yet demand fealty.
  • Those who lecture us and moralize constantly are willing to do whatever it takes to get power.

How is any of the different than an 'emerging' or third world country?

None of it is different. I've been to countries like that in South America.  Now I'm in one here in North America.

The silver lining is that if Biden 'wins', it will rip off the scab and erode further the ever fading confidence in our totally broken system.

Around 100 or so Switzerlands await these United States.

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