Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Pray For Literally Hitler

Not long after Trump was elected the usual suspects started pushing for more gun control.  The Progressive Left seemed to not understand that it's the government who will come around and collect the guns.  They were doing this after telling us for months that DJT was 'literally Hitler".

If Orange Man Bad is 'literally Hitler', why would we give him our guns?  This paradox created a fantastic public service message, one that explained why we should 'give our guns to Hitler':

It looks like these people are at it again.  

Corona-Chan visited the Trump White House, and it meant that we were all to pray for him.  Even the Corporate Press, atheists and Prometheans all, told us to pray for the fascist dictator.

Glenn Greenwald caught the paradox immediately:

GG writes a great piece about all the horrid ways the wholly fraudulent Corporate Press has described Trump.  The best part of the article is Greenwald's description of Russia!! hoaxer Rachel Maddow and her treacly call to prayer (as if she's ever prayed) for Trump.

Of course it doesn't make any sense.  None of today's actions by our rulers makes sense.  Greenwald offers this explanation:

"There are a few potential explanations that may account for this extremely unusual and confounding behavior of praying for, rather than against, the well-being of a fascist dictator. Perhaps Democratic leaders are simply pretending to be hoping for Trump’s well-being for political purposes while secretly hoping that he suffers and dies. Or perhaps national Democratic politicians have ascended to a state of spiritual elevation rarely seen in modern political history, in which they are capable of praying for even those they most dislike, including ones they believe are imposing fascism on their nation? Or perhaps, maybe more likely, Democratic leaders do not really believe the things they have spent four years saying about Trump and, like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney before him, are applying such labels of historic evil to him for political advantage but still see him as one of them, whom they intend to rehabilitate and honor once he is out of power."

The underlined part is emphasized by me.  They don't believe any of it.  It's just a power grab.  All of it.  The Corona stuff as well.  It's why you see BLM riots, without masks or social distance seen as ok.  It's why Nancy Pelosi and Lori Lightfoot can get a haircut and you can't.  It's why you can get Amazon packages in the mail, buy lawn furniture at Target, but not go inside a restaurant in NYC - you'll get sick from the last one don't you understand?

It's all a show, it's all fake. This is simply a power grab by people of mediocre intellect, who can't think more than a few days ahead.

Greenwald can't quite say it this way.  But I can.

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