Tuesday, October 6, 2020

15 Million Dead of COVID - Prediction

 This was from March.

This is the expert scientific view in March 2020.  They're talking about deaths:

"In the low-severity model — or best-case scenario of the seven — ANU researchers estimate a global GDP loss of $2.4 trillion, with an estimated death toll of 15 million."

This was the 'low severity model', meaning that the BEST CASE scenario the experts were predicting was 15 million dead.

  • Is anyone holding them accountable?
  • Are we following the 'science' when we call them out?
  • Because we don't trust them now, do you finally understand why?
  • Realize that when this came out the God Fauci was saying to not wear a mask.

This is why they're talking about 'cases' and testing like crazy.  They changed the narrative right in front of everyone.  It seems like one giant compliance test, and many people, particularly NYC liberals, are totally falling for it.  Post like this make them angry.  

15 million.  And they're still saying 'follow the science'.  


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