Monday, October 5, 2020

Based Coinbase

 I saw this on Vox Day's blog.  It's a great story:

The CEO of Coinbase will not bend the knee.

"Woke capital is the dominant ideology of America’s corporate and media elites. Seemingly every major corporation in America has either actively embraced or paid obedient lip service to the left’s rhetoric supporting Black Lives Matter and Antifa, including false narratives such as “systemic racism.” Neutrality is simply not an option, as evidenced by the mob’s favorite slogan “silence is violence.” That is why woke capital is furious about and terrified of Coinbase, a cryptocurrency tech startup whose CEO Brian Armstrong openly defied the woke totalitarianism corporate America has shoved down the throats of its employees and customers alike."

Naturally, the reaction is severe.  They're calling the guy all sorts of names, and there's mention of a Bloomberg article where the SJW employees are wailing about being 'muzzled'.

This guy is doing the only rational thing.  He's getting rid of them.  He's actually paying them 6 months pay for them to go away.

In Vox Day's Corporate Cancer, he recommends getting rid of the HR and if necessary, the advertising departments, as SJW's congregate in the dead weight areas of a company where talent is unnecessary.

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