Friday, October 2, 2020

$1000 Fine for No Mask - DiBlah Shows His True Colors

One of the things we've seen during the Corona-Chan era is the rise of the mediocre politician.  Not even reaching mediocre, the mayor of NYC has decided that the areas where cases of Covid are rising are places where you can get fined for .... not wearing a mask.

What does not enter into the discussion is that, during the summer, you could have a BLM protest riot and if you weren't wearing a mask or social distancing, well, that was just fine.

Back then, the numbers were much worse.  But hey, it fit the agenda and the repellent media was on board too. Now, in a state with 19.45 million people, there have been an average of 6 people dying with Covid each day in NY.  It's been that way for 7 weeks.  

I keep hearing that people "aren't following the science".  This has become a trope.  It's become quite religious in a way.  "The Science" is simply a cloddish ploy to try to get opinions other than those of the Corporate Media and the Elites out of the way. 6 out of 19.45 million means there is no risk.  

"You're not following the math."  

When the breakup of the USA happens in 2033, this kind of nonsense will be seen as part of the beginning of the end.

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