Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Pre-Presidential Debate Trumpslide 2020 Warmup

 People wonder why I talk about the upcoming blowout, the 2020 Election where Orange Man Bad will win going away, with such a margin that the ballot harvesting mail in fraud machine won't be able to keep up.

Regular people see things like this and they get angry.  You have to be a purple hair mouth breathing low status true believer to see this and not get angry. 

Regular people will quietly say to themselves, 'F*** it. I've not been allowed to function like a normal person while twits like Dianne Feinstein are doing this sh1t."

And Lori Lightfoot does it.  And Bill DeBlasio.  And Nancy Pelosi.  And Chris Cuomo.  And every criticism-free BLM riot.  Do you see a pattern?  I do.

The regular people are not wrong, and they number in the millions.

Let me put it in perspective.  My hispanic nieces and sisters in law are all big DJT supporters. Re read that sentence.  The weren't always, but they're tired of being lectured to and then seeing this trainwreck of a hypocrite: ... Enjoy the debate - it's about an hour away!

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