Monday, September 28, 2020

More Evidence of a 2020 Trumpslide Election Rout

 This was on Zerohedge this morning, at the top, front and center:

These people must really be in a bubble.  I can't think of anything more disconnected to reality than the paper formerly known as the New York Times.

The NYT comes out screaming that Trump lost money, got a huge return, used it to offset losses, and is an overall Bad Orange Man.  Naturally, there's no evidence he broke the law, which was the first thing I looked for.  Here's the best quote from the article, showing that the Junior Varsity has taken over the organization:

"And without a blockbuster "gotcha" that would confirm that Trump had violated the law, the NYT simply concludes by noting that "in the end the financial picture for Mr. Trump is fraught" and that "as he approaches one of the most consequential elections in American history — down in most polls, under I.R.S. audit and heavily in debt — his businesses may not be well equipped to navigate what lies ahead."

It gets better.  Michael Tracey saw the same thing I did:

At this point, trolling the NY Times is almost too easy.  The reason why it will be a 2020 Trumpslide, besides the fact that they've telegraphed the Narrative of the Election: it won't be decided on election day, and "mail in ballots are good!" is voiced in the first comment ZH:

"Demand to see Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Graham, Romney, Harris, Biden etc tax returns...we know how Trump made his money how did they all get filthy rich as “public servants”??

That was the first thing I thought of as well.  All of the people listed above are multimillionaires.  There has been zero concern from the NYT about how they got rich as 'public servants'.  But they'll run a 10,000 word 'summary' of Trump's tax returns.  Now.  6 weeks before the election.

Trump's been in the public eye since the late 1970's.

It's only one reason why there will be a Trumpslide.  The NYT can't see it, because they have Trump Derangement Syndrome, but it shows the massive disconnect between the Coastal Elite Bubble and real people.  They have no idea what we think, or how.  

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