Sunday, September 27, 2020

Hotep Jesus Interviews Adam Curry - 3.5 Hours

 These two are some brave souls.

Attention spans have been shrinking for decades.  Especially as reading becomes more unnecessary - the Human Animal is easier to control.  People like 12 second long Instagram Stories.  They're insanely popular.  The reason for that is that most people can't focus longer than 20 minutes.  If you're under 19 years old that number is probably 3 minutes.  Put a zany video up and talk about #WAP and you'll get more likes and attention than you can handle.

Hotep Jesus and Adam Curry talk in a raw way about race, culture, America, and politics.  They talk for 3 and a half hours.  Most people see the length and they tune out.  Curry and Hotep Jesus know this, they're both excellent marketers.

They don't care.  They go for it anyway.

You won't hear a conversation like this anywhere else.  

If you have a 3 hour drive, put on your headphones on so the passengers in the car, and enjoy.

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